Alison J Prince: Her Secrets to Because I Can!

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2020

Alison J Prince has built four lucrative multimillion-dollar online businesses from the ground up.

She's been featured on Forbes and on the cover of Costco Connection, but she feels her most successful business choice was teaching her 10 and 13-year-old daughters how to sell over $100,000 online.

She watched them gain confidence, embrace entrepreneurship, and begin to live what she terms the “Because I Can” life. She now shows others that they have the ability to do whatever they put their minds too. Why? Because They Can.

You can find her online at

Show Notes:

1:45 Her pivot from a huge live event to a virtual event in just a couple weeks and why her Zoom background is so awesome

2:15: How she got started and her wake up call when she got her first paycheck after college.

8:30 How she started her education business from her e-commerce businesses.

12:18 How Alison deals with "the stupid thoughts" and gives herself permission to start at zero.

15:50 Her timeless strategy for organic social media traffic

20:50 The humbling feeling of building your course and how she relies on her faith, team, and husband to support her.

25:46 How to start your business from zero.

30:35 Alison's one thing that she would do if she started over from zero and a free gift!

This show is awesome for anyone that struggles with getting started as the face of their company. Alison's strategies for helping herself get over her self and start going live in her group and giving herself permission to be the expert she is are awesome.

Video link for episode here

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