Easy passive income idea, $2,727 in 3 days
Creating digital products doesn't have to be hard or take a long time.
In fact, I recently created a brand new ebook from scratch and did $2,727 in just three days.
Today I’m going to share how I did it.
My story…
Beginning of July of this year, I started to notice a gap in the market. So I started to notice my followers talking about different things on Discord or on my YouTube channel.
…and I started to really notice one common thread and that was that people were enjoying the digital products I already had created.
…but a lot of people were saying that they wanted an easier way to start.
…something simpler, more affordable, something that's going to hold their hand to just get them to that first digital product, to that very first sale.
And I thought, “That sounds a lot like my old Model Call ebook”.
From my previous education business for photographers, I created this ebook that was around $59 called Model Call.
And it really helped photographers to get that first quick win to start getting more bookings, which was the most painful problem that they had.
So I knew, after hearing about this gap in the market from my followers, I started thinking,
“I needed to have my own front-end ebook with this business to get my followers that quick win and give them a really affordable way to kind of taste my business.”
That's exactly how Model Call grew my business so fast. People were able to try it out for just $59 and once they got results, they were like,
“Holy cow, if I can get this, many results for just $59, then I can't imagine what her other digital products are like.”
When we looked at the data, 80% of people who had bought my courses from that business had bought that ebook first.
So after really listening to my following, I knew that I wanted to come up with an ebook that was going to help my followers get that first quick win.
15-day Digital Product
The ebook idea I came up with in my business today is called—15-Day Digital Product.
This ebook has easy-to-follow daily steps to discover, create, and passively sell digital products in 15 days!
Now originally I was going to call it a 30-day digital product, but once I made a list of all the steps that they would need to do, it didn't need to be longer than 15 days.
In fact, I was able to follow this exact same strategy that I've been using in my business for about a decade on this ebook and I was able to make $2,727 in just three days. That includes the creation of the ebook.
But what I wanted to do with this ebook was give 15 days of easy-to-implement tasks per day so that if people are really busy or they have a full-time job, they can just log in, look at the ebook, and see what their one task for that day is. And then after those 15 days, they would have that digital product created and start making sales from it.
To put it in a simple way:
-I listened to my audience
-Came up with the idea
-Then, created the ebook
…it only took me about 10 hours, from start to finish to actually create the product, and that included taking breaks for hiking, eating, watching Netflix, etc.
Promoting the Ebook
So after listening to my audience and figuring out what digital product I was going to create and then of course creating it, I needed to figure out how the heck was I going to promote this thing.
It just so happened that when I wanted to create this, it fell around the 4th of July, but just know that you don't have to wait for a holiday to promote your product. In fact, it might even sell better, not during a holiday because you're not competing with all those other holiday promotions.
But for me, it just so happened to fall around the 4th of July here in America. So I decided to do what's called a three-day flash sale to my audience to promote the ebook.
So what I decided to do over that three-day flash sale period was to:
-send two emails every day & send three emails on the last day to my email list
The emails were short and sweet talking about why I created this digital product, who it helps, what results you can expect from it, answering any frequently asked questions I think might arise, and things like that.
And then of course every single email had a call to action to purchase the digital product.
And since this was a three-day flash sale, I decided to sell the digital product for $59 and make the everyday price $99.
So anyone who bought during that three-day period, they were going to get a special price of $59 for that ebook.
(If you want to create your own digital product, but don't know what it would be about. Here’s a free download of 54 different types of digital products so that you can figure out which one would be best for you to sell.)
Three-Part Framework
1. Grow a following and listen to them
It is crucial to grow a following and listen to what their problems are. So you can know how you can help your audience.
It’s the key to creating a successful digital product.
Let's not forget the whole point of having a digital products business:
“to help people to get them a result to get them to their goals.”
But how do you listen to your audience? The number one thing you can do is create a survey, then if you have an email list, send out emails to your list and ask them to take this survey.
But if you don't have an email list yet.
You can do things like a poll on Instagram or a poll in your community tab on YouTube. So wherever your following is, figure out how can I survey them.
You could send a link to a Google form to your followers through social media. You can use like a poll or a questions tab or something depending on where you have your following.
2. Create a digital product that will be the solution to your audience’s painful problem
People are going to pay for a digital product that is going to help them solve their painful problems.
Your digital product should be valuable enough that they are willing to pay for it.
By doing the survey, you can find out where they're at, where they want to be, and what their problems are. So you can decide on which problem you are able to help them with and which digital product you should create.
Once you know their struggles and problems and the goals they want to achieve, you can start to think about, based on your expertise, what is a solution that you can help them with. And what type of digital product would best pair with that solution.
3. Promote your digital product
Once you have the digital product figured out and created, you're going to need to promote it.
There are different ways to do it, but the easiest and best way and the number one way that I recommend is just to start with emails.
Start building your email list. Download the free email list-building template that I've created to help you build your email list. It's 40 times more effective at getting sales than social media.
So build up that email list and do a three-day flash sale just like I did and write a couple emails every day during the flash sale and put three emails on the last day.
Yes, try not to be salesy, but send those emails with confidence. You're selling them a solution! A way that will help them get out of a painful problem that they're having. They are going to be thrilled to pay for this if you've done it right.
Final Thoughts
And that's how I went from zero to $2,727 in just three days with one low-price digital product!
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