How I Became a Full-Time Content Creator Earning $500,000 Per Year

Are you wanting to go full-time with your content creation, but it feels like it's taking forever?

Today, I'm going to share how I went full-time as a content creator in just six months and how I earned $254,000 in my first year.

…then I went on to earn $500,000 per year and then even $2 million per year.

I'm going to show you exactly how I did it and how you can do it, too!

My Story

Hi! I'm Molly. I started as a broke college dropout with just $0.81 to my name, and I leverage that into a multiple six-figure per year photography studio.

Then I started creating content for other photographers, and I grew that into a $2 million per year online education company.

And now I help content creators just like you to monetize your content with digital info products, so you can help your followers on a deeper level and make a full-time living doing what you love.

How to Become a Full-Time Content Creator

1. Put out content every single week, consistently.

When I was starting out with my photography business, I simply started out creating content every single week through a blog. (And now I do the same thing for my current business through YouTube.)

Every single week I would create a blog post very consistently, and the best part was that I already knew that email marketing was incredible and that I had to do it because of my photography business.

So right away, out of the gate, I started promoting freebies to get people on to my email list.

(If you don't know what a freebie is, just a free download where someone puts in their name and email in exchange for a download. When they get the free download, you get their name and email address in your email marketing system.)

So right away I was creating consistent content and then consistently moving those followers to email subscribers and this to me is key.

I see so many people with large followings that just aren't making that much money and they're not even able to go full-time with their content creation because they're missing this really important step.

Email marketing is 40 times more effective at making sales than social media.

If you want to go full-time as a content creator, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You need to be creating freebies and moving your followers to email subscribers.

2. Monetize your following

So once I grew my following, I started thinking of different digital products that I wanted to make so that I could start monetizing that following.

And right out of the gate, I just started creating digital products that I thought sounded good or I thought sounded fun.

So I started creating things like album templates for photographers or digital bundles or little editing presets for Photoshop.

I just made all the little fun things that I thought were cool.

I also had a very small team at the time and also paid interns that I wanted to utilize their skill set.

So instead of thinking about what was best for my actual followers, I was creating digital products based on what I thought was cool and based on how I could best utilize my team.

And so you probably know what happened next. I didn’t end up making that many sales. I made a few sales here or there, and you know, I don't regret it. It was a great start.

But once I started creating digital products that solved not only a pain point for my followers, but the number one pain point for my followers. That is when monetization really started going strong and I was able to earn a full-time living from that content and my followers.

3. Follow my Three-Part Framework

Number One: Move your followers to an email list.

Look at any large full-time educational content creators who are making a great full-time living. They have an email list. Not only will you make 40 times more sales with your email list, but think about if your social media got shut down or banned, or a new social media came out and you wanted to move over there.

The cool thing with your email is, as you always have that information, even if you switch email marketing providers, you can download a spreadsheet of that information, and put it into your new email marketing software.

It's such a great way to always be able to stay in touch with your followers and not just hope that Zuckerberg doesn't change the rules or ban you or start charging for ads that he's done, or different things like that. You definitely want to be moving your followers to email subscribers.

Number Two: Survey your audience.

Make sure that you create digital products that your followers actually want to buy. You’ll figure that out once you survey your followers.

So just like I shared earlier in my story, I started out creating little digital products that I thought were fun or that were easy for me to create because I had those different resources, employees, Internet, and things like that.

And sure, you might make a few sales from that, but if you want to make a full-time living as a content creator, you need to do your research.

You need to talk to your followers, you need to listen to your followers and really figure out what are their pain points and what is their number one most painful problem that they would pay you to solve for them.

Really learn about them so that you could create a product that would really help them.

And again, this is what you're here to do. You're here to help them. If you want to go full-time as a content creator, you're not here to just create digital products, to design fun things. You are here to help your followers. You are here to get them to the goal that they want to get to.

Number Three: Create the solution.

Create the solution to the pain point.

Now, a lot of people ask what digital product to create. Well, it doesn't matter if it's a template or an e-book or a course or a bundle or whatever it is. None of that matters. What matters is that you research their most painful problem. Then you create the solution to that problem.

And then and only then you can ask yourself which digital product vehicle best delivers the solution.

So for example, I saw a need via my discord. A lot of my followers were sharing that they wanted just an easy step-by-step to follow path to creating their very first digital product.

So that is why my 15-day digital product was born.

I really thought to myself, how could I create a very easy step by step short, quick-to-get-a-win solution for people wanting to go from where they are now to creating and selling their very first digital product?

So I started listing out all the steps they would need to go from where they are now to solving their problem and getting to the place that they want to be.

Final Thoughts

That’s it!

That’s my framework on how I became a full-time content creator and earn consistent passive income!

You can do it too!

Grow a following, move those followers consistently to email subscribers and then research what their painful problems are, and then create solutions via digital products!

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